Well not really 'a day'. In fact it doesn't specify which day. Just "A DAY". You will get a 'thought' when there is one worth getting. Maybe I should rename the site "Try to have a thought a day" YOU CAN HAVE 'MARKETING THOUGHT A DAY' RSS FEEDBLITZ EMAILED TO YOU BY VISITING WWW.MICHAELKIELYMARKETING.COM.AU AND SIGNING ON FOR THE SERVICE. (Not every day, thought. You won't ready them all.)

Friday, June 30, 2006

Low trust drives word of mouth


The reason Word Of Mouth is gaining traction in the marketing community is because marketers need more credible channels of communication, having polluted the others with spin and bulldust. People are less likely to trust companies now than ever before. US figures reveal the percentage of consumers who consider information from companies is believable hovers at 18% for automotive companies, 16% for insurance companies.

Who do people trust more than companies? Each other.


Michael Kiely

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