Well not really 'a day'. In fact it doesn't specify which day. Just "A DAY". You will get a 'thought' when there is one worth getting. Maybe I should rename the site "Try to have a thought a day" YOU CAN HAVE 'MARKETING THOUGHT A DAY' RSS FEEDBLITZ EMAILED TO YOU BY VISITING WWW.MICHAELKIELYMARKETING.COM.AU AND SIGNING ON FOR THE SERVICE. (Not every day, thought. You won't ready them all.)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Obey The Basics and see the future

Marketers need to be able to predict the future. The future is hard to see. But the basics always dictate the outcome.

The basics sometimes get lost in the peripheral noise of the media. But the basics always win.

EG. Elton John calls for the Internet to be shut down to stop the cult of the amateur recording artist. Basics: democratising technology always tips elites out of their thrones. Bad luck, Elton.

EG. Murdoch buys the Wall Street Journal. Will it lose its editorial independence? Has Murdoch ever allowed any of his newspapers their independence? Basics: No. Buddha says Dogs have dog nature.

EG. British Airways fined $600million for collusion on prices with competitor Virgin Airways. Virgin gained immunity by confessing. Basics: Never trust a competitor that you have humiliated and attempted to destroy.

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