Well not really 'a day'. In fact it doesn't specify which day. Just "A DAY". You will get a 'thought' when there is one worth getting. Maybe I should rename the site "Try to have a thought a day" YOU CAN HAVE 'MARKETING THOUGHT A DAY' RSS FEEDBLITZ EMAILED TO YOU BY VISITING WWW.MICHAELKIELYMARKETING.COM.AU AND SIGNING ON FOR THE SERVICE. (Not every day, thought. You won't ready them all.)

Friday, October 13, 2006

Carbon footprints to where?


There are immediate marketing opportunities for companies wanting to leverage the NEXT BIG THING in consumer consciousness. Global Warming and Climate Change are real because more people believe in them, despite what the Government says. Every brand should be thinking of its response to their customers' question: "What are you doing to save the world?" News Ltd, Ford, Dupont, and Virgin are among the leaders in this issue. They are going 'carbon neutral' - reducing their emissions or paying others to 'sequester' or lock up carbon dioxide in amounts equivalent to their emissions. BP, Westpac, Origin Energy, and IAG are taking a leadership role. The front-foot approach involves the following: 1. Engage your CEO and Board. (McKinsey says: "The way a company manages its carbon exposure could create or destroy shareholder value." Goldman Sachs says, "Climate change is a topic that should be on the agenda of every Board of Directors.") 2. Audit your emissions. 3. Assess your potential for reductions by operational changes. 4. Estimate the offsets you will need to purchase to bring your "carbon footprint" down. 5. Engage your stakeholders - staff, suppliers, customers, shareholders - in the process. There are pitfalls to avoid: 1. As with any new market, there are many opportunists and snakeoil salespersons. 2. Some 'abatement offsets' being sold are 'junk', ie, not fit for the purpose for which they are offered for sale. 3. Companies that indulge in "greenwashing" (making a token effort, hoping to spin it out into an acceptable image of action) will be unmasked, and their deception will do them damage.



PS. I am available to advise your company on carbon-related issues.

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